Latest additions. New species on site and better images of species already listed.

HELP NEEDED! Any feedback on species not named, and corrections to my mistakes, would be greatly appreciated.

The locations given are where I have found these species but this does not imply that these are the only places
on the coast that they can be found.


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February - Not much new to report. A recent run of on-shore winds left a lot of cuttlebones on the beach
and, although a common occurrence here, some were in very good condition. My thanks to Dr Amanda Reid at
the Australian Museum for her help with identification.

Ascarosepion mestus - Brunswick Beach - New

Ascarosepion opiparum - Brunswick Beach - New

Ascarosepion plangon - Brunswick Beach - New

Acanthosepion whitleyana - Brunswick Beach - New

Sepia grahami - Brunswick Beach - New

Atagema sp - Hastings Point - New

Avaldesia albomaculata?? - Brunswick River - New

Avaldesia tahala - Brunswick River - Name change

January - After a lot of rain, the river is still not worth a dive, and the Christmas school holiday crowd
prevents parking at other spots. Just a few more weeks and they will all go away!!

Tenellia puti - Brunswick River - Newly named

Arakawania marginalba - Brunswick Hds & Hastings Pt - Name change

Amphithalamus incidatus - Hastings Pt - New images

Cingulina pulchra - Hastings Pt - New

Barbatia foliata - Hastings Pt - New

Phronimella elongata? - Brunswick Beach - New

Oxinasphaera sp - Brunswick Beach - New

Oxinasphaera sp - Brunswick Beach - New

Oxinasphaera sp - Brunswick Beach - New

Species? - Brunswick River - New

Species? - Brunswick River - New

Species? - Hastings Pt - New

Species? - Hastings Pt - New

October - Not much diving but hopefully I can get into the water now the school holiday crowds are
gone for a while.

Species? - Brunswick Heads - New

Phronima sp - Brunswick Beach - New

Phronima sp - Brunswick Beach - New

Spirobranchus sp? - Hastings Point - New

Branchiomma sp? - Brunswick Heads - New

Spirobranchus sp - Brunswick Heads, on flotsam - New

Eunaticina linnaeana - Seagull Rocks - New

Eudendrium sp? - Brunswick Heads - New

Sukashitrochus atkinsoni? - Hastings Point - New

Sagenotriphora ampulla? - Hastings Point - New

Ascarosepion rozella - Brunswick Beach - New

Species? - Seagull Rocks - New

Species? - Seagull Rocks - New

Trinchesia sp - Brunswick River - New

Trinchesia sp - Brunswick River - New

Life on a cartrut - Brunswick River - New

September - Flat seas and low tides have enabled me to look closely at the masses of Galeolaria worm tubes on
the north seawall, and the many species that live in and around them. The tiny parasitic snail Pseudoskenella depressa
is a very interesting example.

Coryne sp? - Brunswick Heads - New

Gymnangium sp? - Brunswick Heads - New

Species? - Hastings Point - New

Scutellastra peronii - Brunswick Heads - New images

Patelloida latistrigata - Brunswick Heads - New

Saccostrea scyphophilla - Brunswick Heads - New

Pseudoskenella depressa - Brunswick Heads - New

Species? - Brunswick Beach - New

Sponge barnacle - Brunswick Beach - New

Guinusia chabrus - Brunswick Beach - New images

Eubranchus sp - On cart-rut shell, Brunswick Breakwall - New

Trinchesia sp - On cart-rut shell, Brunswick Breakwall - New

Eubranchus sp - On barnacle, Brunswick Breakwall - New

Doto sp - Brunswick Heads - New

Species? - Brunswick Heads - New

Species? - Brunswick Heads - New

Species? - Brunswick Heads - New

July - Very little diving done lately, the wintery days have kept me out of the water. Old and cold!!
Still able to find some new images though.

Echinostrephus aciculatus - Hastings Point - New

Austrobalanus imperator - Brunswick River - New

Balanus trigonus - Brunswick River - New

Megabalanus tintinnabulum - Hastings Point - Identified

Striatobalanus cf tenuis - Brunswick Heads - New

Species? - Brunswick River - New

Species? - Brunswick River - New

Species? - Brunswick Heads - New

Species? - Brunswick Heads - New

Species? - Brunswick Heads - New

Species? - Hastings Point - New

Species? - Hastings Point - New

Bermudella pellucida - Brunswick River - Name change

Bermudella harastii - Brunswick River - Name change

Bermudella sp? - Brunswick River - Name change

Hipponix conicus - Hastings Point - New images

Species? - Hastings Point - New

Species? - Hastings Point - New

Species? - Hastings Point - New

Species? - Hastings Point - New

Epitonium jukesianum - Brunswick River - New images

Striarca pisolina - Hastings Point - New

Iredalea sp - Hastings Point - New

Species - Brunswick River - New images

Pachygrapsus laevimanus - Brunswick R. & Hastings Pt - New

Eulaeospira convexis? - Hastings Point - New

Neodexiospira lamellosa? - Hastings Point - Identified

Species? - Brunswick River - New

Sphaeroma sp? - Brunswick River - New

Portunus sp - Brunswick Hds beach - New

Limaria orientalis - Brunswick R & Hastings Pt - Identified

Limaria fragilis - Hastings Point - Identified

March - After 3 La Ninas the current El Nino has been the wettest I have seen here.
Unfortunately the river is badly affected and is still not worth a dive. I have also
not been able to dive at Hastings Point since before the Christmas holidays. Nothing
on the beaches as well.

Pelagella longicornis - Hastings Pt - Identified

Paliota galactica - Hastings Pt & Brunswick R - Identified

Fibularia plateia - Brunswick beach - Identified

Nassarius albescens - Hastings Point - New images

Pinctada margaritifera - Hastings Point - New

Pinctada sp - Hastings Point - New

November - not a lot of opportunity to get in the water lately. A search of the
mangroves revealed large numbers of the seaslug Elysia bangtawaensis in
mudcrab holes and shallow natural drains.

Elysia bangtawaensis - Brunswick River - New images

Brachyscelus sp? - Brunswick Beach - New

Phronima atlantica? - Brunswick Beach - New

Lepas sp? - Brunswick Beach - New

Lepas anatifera? - Brunswick Beach - New

Thysanozoon fuscobulbosum - Brunswick River - Identified

Pinctada albina - Brunswick River - New

Callista disrupta - Hastings Point - New

August - No diving in the Brunswick River, could be soon though due to lack
of rain. A few calm, clear days at Hastings Point were very rewarding, with
some new species. Some name changes as well.

Doto rosacea - Hastings Point - New

Lobiger sp - Hastings Point - New

Micromelo scriptus - Hastings Point - Name change

Aplysia concava - Hastings Point - Name change

Hexabranchus lacer - Hastings Point - Name change

Jorunna hervei - Hastings Point - Identified

Species? - Hastings Point - New

Phyllodoce sp? - Hastings Point - New

Lineus sp? - Hastings Point - New

Pagurixus carinimanus - Hastings Point - New images

Joculator sp - Hastings Point - New

Diogenes sp - Brunswick River - New

Species? - Hastings Point - New

Species? - Hastings Point - New

Species? - Hastings Point - New

Species? - Hastings Point - New

Species? - Hastings Point - New

Gymnangium sp? - Hastings Point - New

Species? - Hastings Point - New

Palythoa mutuki? - Hastings Point - Identified?

Zoanthus vietnamensis? - Hastings Point - Identified?

Culicia tenella? - Hastings Point - New

Cladangia exusta? - Hastings Point - New

Species? - Hastings Point - New

Species? - Hastings Point - New

Canarium microurceus - Hastings Point - New images

Species? - Brunswick River - New





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